Swindon filed their accounts for the previous financial year on March 5, detailing how the club had performed up until May 31, 2023, detailing that they had made a pre-tax profit of £76,481.
Owner Clem Morfuni has previously revealed that the club had agreed to let Fair Game, an independent group campaigning for improved football governance, independently review the club’s accounts once they were published to give fans a clearer picture of how the club was faring away from the pitch.
Speaking at the Fans’ Forum in January, Morfuni said: “We are getting Fair Game to come and look at our books to see what they are doing.”
CEO Anthony Hall added: “They will be giving us an independent review so there is no more ambiguity around the figures and numbers, that will be going ahead in the coming months.
“They will come through and verify all the figures to make sure that everything is ratified and there is no disparity going forward and you guys are clear that they have been independently verified and published correctly.
“You will be able to see it, warts and all, everything that we are, including the running costs of the football club.”
Now that the accounts have been released, Fair Game has told the Adver that they will be given additional information to review and when they hope to release their report for the fans to view.
A Fair Game spokesperson said: “We are working with Swindon Town FC, which is being very transparent and helpful throughout this process, including providing additional information that has given further insights on the financial position of the club.
“The aim is to complete the report and to publish it next month. Once the report has been finalised a launch date will be announced.”
Town will be the first club that have had Fair Game review their accounts, they confirmed on X, something they hope to do with more clubs in the future.
Swindon became one of over 30 clubs to partner with Fair Game in June 2023 to help support their mission to change the governance of football and create a long-term solution to the issues of financial inequality, discrimination, and other issues within the sport.
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